Tuesday, June 24, 2014

GLSL Classes

GLSL is not object oriented, there are no classes or method calls. GLSL4.0 has subroutine variables that can provide an object oriented solution, but this is not compatible with GLSL in WebGL.

PythonJS GPU Class

In the example below an array of MyObject is created and uploaded to the GPU, where it is iterated over. The method call s.mymethod(1.1, 2.2) translates to MyObject_mymethod(s, 1.1, 2.2) in the GLSL shader.

class MyObject:
 float def subroutine(self, x,y):
  float x
  float y
  return x + y * self.attr2

 float def mymethod(self, x,y):
  float x
  float y
  if self.index == 0:
   return -20.5
  elif self.index == 0:
   return 0.6
   return self.subroutine(x,y) * self.attr1

 def __init__(self, a, b, i):
  self.attr1 = a
  self.attr2 = b
  self.index = int16(i)

class myclass:
 def run(self, w):
  self.array = [MyObject(1.1,1.2,x) for x in range(w)]

  @returns( array=64 )
  def gpufunc():
   struct* A = self.array
   float b = 0.0

   for s in iter(A):
    b += s.mymethod(1.1, 2.2)

   return b

  return gpufunc()


  1. Would it not be sensible to use a return annotations instead of return decorator?

    1. I just added support for Python3 return annotation to set the return type.
